You have selected the following Service Provider
E.T.Hosley Memorial Funeral Home

E.T.Hosley Memorial Funeral Home

622 Spaulding Road
Montezuma, GA 31063
For Immediate Assistance, Please Call (866) 333-5130
Modify the Cart Selections and Click SAVE to commit the changes.
Questions? Please Call (866) 333-5130

Relationship To Deceased

For whom is this Cremation Arrangement?
Relationship to the Deceased
If planning for yourself, put "Self"

Cremation Services

Cremation Services

Cremation Container

The cremation container is NOT the same thing as the urn. The cremation container is used to safely transport the decedent to the crematory and surrounds them during the cremation process itself.


Method of Disposition

Please specify instructions for the cremated remains following the cremation.


Certified Death Certificates

Please specify the number of Certified Death Certificates you would like to order.

Delivery and Handling (required)

Crematory Fees

Crematory Fees

Cremation Urns, Remembrances & Gifts

Order Totals

Cremation Services$1,495.00

Cremation Container$0.00

Method of Disposition$0.00

Death Certificates (1)$25.00

Mailing Death Certificates$25.00

Crematory Fees$0.00

Permit & Other Fees$0.00

Additional Services$0.00


*Sales tax included, where applicable. Price guaranteed at time of purchase.